Weekly Announcements See what's going on this week at Juniper Level

Pastor's Itinerary


April 17th Guest Speaker @ Watts Chapel Missionary Baptist Church for their Maundy/Thursday service. The Pastor is Rev. Dr. Harry L. White Jr. The address is 3703 Tryon Road, Raleigh, NC 27606.

April 18th. Guest Speaker @ Christian Faith Baptist Church for the Good Friday Service. The Pastor is Rev Keith A. Darlington. The address is 509 Hilltop Dr. Raleigh, NC 27610.

April 27th. Guest Speaker @ Phillipi Missionary Baptist Church for their Pastoral Anniversary. The Pastor is Rev. Dr. Barry Berryhill. The address is 2665 W. Virginia St. Simpson, NC

October17th. Guest Speaker @ Holly Hill Free Will Baptist Church for their Holy Convocation. The Pastor is Bishop James E. Tripp. The address is 755 Porter Road, Greenville, NC 27834



May 18th Guest Speaker @ Phillipi Missionary Baptist Church for their Women’s Day Service. The Pastor is Rev. Dr. Barry Berryhill. The address is 2665 W. Virginia St. Simpson, NC